1 thought on “Virgin Island – Struggle Record of Riffi

  1. Mel – That doesn’t look like a very relaxing chair… I would still totllay buy one though. Joe – Will you be my prophet? Man, if I had to pick someone to chronicle all of my great achievements and battle stories for the betterment and redemption of mankind, it would definitely be you. ASSHOLE BOYFRIEND – That’s a great marketing tip! It’s like cybersex only not as bodily invasive. Brian – If you do take a picture, I will post it without a doubt. As an example of what people who really love me do. Nikole – Yes, I drew the pictures. I love drawing, and I found one of my Adderall pills behind my couch and I took it and guess what happened? I cranked out eight shark-hybrid drawings in about the span of four hours. I don’t know if I’d necessarily call that productivity but it was application of attention to one thing for a prolonged period, so I guess that’s good.

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