1 thought on “Collection Games – The Legend of Krystal

  1. Just curious what your take is on Canons fimawrre update for the Mark III. It apparently will allow clean 4:2:2 uncompressed HDMI out for external recorders. I was mostly interested on your opinion about mark III picture settings in relation to that and if you think that will make it any more competitive to the BMC.. I know it’s not 12 bit Raw but uncompressed full frame off the sensor sounds interesting. Not sure if the DR limitations are mostly affected by the sensor or compression? Reply:November 5th, 2012 at 9:15 amNo I don’t expect it to be competitive in terms of DR to the BMC at all. But the size of the sensor is another big advantage however. 4:2:2: is much better than 4:2:0 compressed so I’m looking forward to doing tests with it when I can!

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